Saturday, December 17, 2016

Towards the end of 2016

So... it is now towards the end of 2016
a new year is going to start soon

and, i haven't proceed much.
I think i am now in the stage of finding a fixed direction to move on
like the melting stage of an ice cube...
the red and green shades as shown: -static condition/plateau stage

sorry if someone is actually looking for chemistry stuff here.
I am not teaching chemistry now...sorry if google brought u here.

Go back to my topic...

I graduated with a master degree, in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology
specific interest in human cancer, protein kinases, cell signalling and stuff like that.
From my master degree i develop interest in mass spectrometry too

But, unfortunately I couldn't get much of related job in Kuching, Malaysia right now
Mostly related to food science and pharmacy...or promoters (sales).
I'd applied to Sarawak Biodiversity Centre, the only institute i am really very interested in
cuz they are the only one i found to have good mass spec facilities....
But...*sigh*...I guess i was removed from the list. Not even in the waiting list.
No idea what happened.
They posted vacancies in end of November and it was like
most of the required job tasks are related to my background except i never deal with plants.
Maybe that's a big concern for them so they kicked me out of the list. the end I am kinda like jobless, still.

I actually got invited for an interview wanted to hire me to do food production stuff
and do food quality control and more...
which I have no idea at all.
I think it is not very wise to jump in the post with
them hoping me to know how to operate stuff just bcuz i have a master degree.
Nope. So, i rejected.

I think I am actually a workaholic...?
I feel very useless when i am not doing anything, like studying or working

So, rather than letting myself to wait for lab vacancies, I still stick to being a tutor.
Giving all kinds of tuition i can.
Previously i mentioned that I am teaching Biology (form 4, form 5, Malaysia syllabus)
Now I am teaching Maths and Add Maths (form 1-5) too
Later, I might consider teaching form 6 Biology provided there's request.
form 6 Biology is quite similar to Biochemistry subjects,
except they have chapters related to ecosystem which i'm pretty bad in...Anyway~

Everything is proceeding very little
If u're looking at the big picture, i might seem not moving at all
i hate this feeling
but i know this is the progress.
Many people are like me out there......(trying to comfort myself)
even the elders keep saying nowadays is pretty hard and unfair to the young ones

i know right??? what to do??? (say it with Malaysian accent)

I believe everyone will find a way to survive through
I just hope I can turn my head back someday to see how far I'd travelled
and feel grateful to be successful and having the life i crave for
and I hope my success in the future can overwhelm my guilty feeling for
getting a master degree as a biochemist but not using any bit of it

Nevertheless, I will never forget the great time I spent with my friends in the lab
and the opportunity given by my supervisor Dr. Cheng regardless
how bad my undergraduate results were that can actually disqualify me from joining Bio21. results were pretty good but there were so many much better results if compared to mine
Bio21 usually recruit students with most of the biochem subjects >80 marks
Most of my biochem subjects were <80 supervisor was really good-hearted to let me in
But in the end i din upset him. I did well for my master! (said this proudly, HAHAHA)
Just that, i think i disappointed everyone in the lab for not continuing PhD
cuz i want to stay in Kuching
and PhD might not mean anything in Kuching for my situation

So, this year was not that good, but not that bad lah...
I just hope 2017 is getting better (everyone hope so)

Not sure should I say goodbye to my biochem
and focus fully on giving tuition?
I feel sad to say goodbye to biochemistry
I might still hold onto it until next year june-ish...maybe..sort of... I'm not sure
I know i might need to let it go completely but...
But I am just not ready yet.

Give me some more time before i kiss goodbye to my 'Biochemistry'
even though 2016 is ending soon.

Hope I can know clearly where i'm heading by next year...

Merry Christmas everyone~
Get ready for Chinese New Year.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

2016年8月31日 古晋

让人兴奋 又 期待的假期

整个人被搞得 头晕晕 没力气的

回到家 没胃口吃饭
睡了一下午 口舌干燥


什么假期这是... tsk


不过至少有在家追韩剧..那什么 W的 韩剧。



Saturday, June 18, 2016

SPM Biology Form 4

It's been a long while since i last blog.
The me in few years back couldn't imagine what i'm doing now.

Completely out of research field (at this moment...haven't give up on any vacancies that might pop out in the future), i'm heading towards being a tutor.
Started to have my own students. Teaching biology form 4. Form 5 next year.

While preparing my own notes for ma students, i was like
"hmmm...maybe i should upload this to my blog and share around? and see what will happen"
and so, here they are in pdf (the link below).
I started from Form 4 chapter 4 (Biology) cuz my students requested to start from here.
I'm now up to chapter 5.
following chapters up to form 5 last chapter will be updated when time comes. Probably will update the missing chapters of form 4 biology too when i've got extra time.

For my notes, it's pretty much from the textbook and some reference book, plus my own knowledge.
Diagrams, sometimes i draw, sometimes i got it from the net.
I often prepare ~20 questions at the back for students to practise straight after teaching, to kinda "print" the ideas into their brain. They are from the net too.
Sometimes i modify them just to make them shorter or change the language a bit, or draw my own diagrams cuz theirs are a bit unclear or not suitable for printing. You are more than welcome to use them. Credits to the one who prepare them and upload online.
Definitely these are not enough. I also look for sources from book store, and always refer to SPM past papers.
Anyway, feel free to download for your own use. Not for commercial use please. thank you.


Form 4 Chapter 4 (student's version)

Form 4 Chapter 4 (teacher's version)

Form 4 Chapter 5 (student's version)

Form 4 Chapter 5 (teacher's version)

Form 4 Chapter 6 (student's version)

Form 4 Chapter 6 (teacher's version)
Note: for this chapter 6, there's a lot of drawings involved. I didn't put it into the notes because i'd decided to draw them by hand after i printed them out. And, i compact the sections of human digestion, absorption, assimilation, faeces formation and defaecation together into two pages. I design it this way so that students can do a summary on the page themselves after i finish teaching, and easier to look at when they do revision. So this chapter actually requires a lot more work to complete it before use.

Form 4 Chapter 7 (student's version)

Form 4 Chapter 7 (teacher's version)
Extra: Video's link
Gas Exchange Between Alveoli and Capillaries

Tasks that're still under progress............................

Form 4

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Form 5 ...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Saturday, March 21, 2015



我想的模式 是电影。
这种故事,故事结局,他们没有在一起 才有意思。

边哭 边画。


不知道是苦累了 还是画累了
哭完了 脑子里的画面还是没有停下来

她开始回忆起 他对她的温柔

她想起了  那仅仅一次 他对她说 “我爱你”
她笑了 虽然掺和了点悲伤的心情 她又开始了另一幅画
这幅画 没有比原先的明亮
画完了 她看着看着 就躺下了
渐渐的 睡着了

梦里有他牵着她的手 温柔的眼光


她立刻接了起来 等他说话

电话里头 虽然语调平平
他却是很生气 不能理解她要的分手

一个理智非常的生意人 不能了解 一个画家要的浪漫世界


我要男的理智 女的情绪化
女的要 轰轰烈烈
男的要 平平稳稳

女的纠结到爆 以为男的不说出 爱她 就真的不爱她
这就是她痛苦 甚至和男的分手的原因


女的认真提分手后 我让她纠结 让她差点疯狂
他打电话给她 要问清楚 发生什么事
想聊清楚 让她知道 他很爱她

具体的借口 我还没有想清楚
可是 后面我给她接了个早逝的结局

这种情况 给个绝症最合适 (哈哈哈哈)
不知道有什么病适合给她 反正就是绝症

她知道后 更猛烈的画画
每天画 每天画

画的大部分都是他们的回忆 他们的爱情
最后一张 是他的肖像画
更具体一点 是她对他的思念。 画的是记忆中 他的脸孔

死去后 办了场 画展
纪念她 也纪念他们的爱情

故事的结局 是她的愚痴 让自己残忍的抛弃了他


比较理智一些 (或许这只是我的自以为)
所以我觉得我还是没有办法把女主角形容得要疯狂一些 要艺术性一些



我本人不喜欢 “爱就说出来” 的那种style
我是 行动派的

所以想想 一个行动派的 和一个...“话语派”的在一起

因为我这辈子 最讨厌只会说不会做的人
会说又会做的人 我也希望他能少说点
反正就讨厌 不知道为什么




虽然科学家也是 一种有艺术脾气的人类
我除了忙着想我的实验 考试 和 论文

以前会写写故事 (虽然现在看回去 那些故事白痴到一个极点)


觉得不太适合 因为太长了





Saturday, May 31, 2014

after few months I'm into it.

Was struggling when starting my master year in Melb.
Refuse to start.

When i first started, the life is full of confusions. Have no idea what i was doing.

My supervisor pushed me to play around with experiments to get a feel of what's happening. Then i finally get into it and able to decide what i want to do now.

I'm so into it now that i hate having classes but love to stay in the lab have fun with colleagues while busy completing experiments before the sunset.
I'm lucky enough to have my undergraduate friends to be in the same lab, same institute with me. But they are just going to spend 1 year there as honour students, then probably leave.
I'll meet new friends...but probably will be different and i wonder if i'll be in different attitude towards new friends.

Hope my supervisor get some interesting new honours, master or PhD students in next year so that i can have fun!!!!
It'll be damn boring if i'm just plainly doing my experiments and paperwork, even though you shouldn't play too much in the lab. hehe

I like it when there's a colleague in the lab early like 8 am in the morning to start busying the lab with you. I like it when we can have lunch together and talk about silly shit topics.....and like it when i walk home with friends after finish experiments and continue the shitty silly funny topics.
This year i'm happy and i appreciate it very much.
Next year will definitely be different and i'll suffer more to complete my last year. Anyway, i'll just need to face it, challenge it, and be good at the end and don't care how much i sweat for my final year. As long as i ended it well....of course i hope for excellent ending, but a good one is good enough.

I'll miss my friends for sure. knowing i'll be not seeing them next year, the next semester i will appreciate every moments with them.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Take me go home

Wanna go Hoomme hooooooooooomeee~~~~~


in fact i nearly want to give up accepting my Unimelb Master offer. cuz i'm so sick of leaving my hometown, my little warm house to anywhere....esp Aus so far from Msia....T_T boohooooooo

finally graduated from unimelb as undergraduate
who knows i have to come back again as Master student.

sounds cool
but i'm soooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooo SAD to go back.
Damn Homesick
more than i had when i first came Aus.

I thought i wont be having serious homesick after so many years already
but who knows

i cant stop.................

Guess cuz it's Master and it's very different from undergraduate.
only max of 4 weeks holiday. and need approval. who knows i get none of them??? and i need to survive through the crazy summer in Aus. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I need to decide between the crazy summer and CNY. T_T don't force me..............

havent start my Master course i already start thinking bout graduation!
I WANNA fast-forward this TWO YEARS and proceed to graduation!!!! and say GOODBYE to Aus!
I cant wait to say goodbye to this place.
I am not willing to come back anymore....................I don't want to leave my home again!!!!!!!!!!! T_T boohoooooooooooooooooooooo

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

